Each of us in these chambers believes in the ideal that lies at the heart of the profession. It is that the profession exists solely to serve liberty and justice. In turn, barristers serve the profession. And so, we believe that we must, in the words of the great Thomas Erskine:

"For ever, at all hazards, assert the dignity, independence and integrity of the Bar; without which, impartial justice, the most valuable part of the constitution, can have no existence."

Not every case involves great questions of life, death or liberty. But we treat each case as if it does. 

Upon forming the chambers, in order to have before us a daily reminder of this ideal and of our shared raison d'etre for being a part of this profession, we adopted as the title for our professional home the name of one of Australia's greatest and most admired advocates and judges, Murray Gleeson QC, who became Chief Justice of New South Wales and, later, Chief Justice of Australia.